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Michelle Reid 's Books

A very well recieved series by Michelle Reid are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Marriage on the Rebound, Marriage On The Rebound (HQR Presents), The Mistress Bride, Mia and the Powerful Greek, Exotic Affairs: The Mistress BrideThe Spanish HusbandThe Bellini Bride, The Kanellis Scandal, The Morning After, The Brazilian’s Blackmailed Bride - The Ramirez Brides 02, After Their Vows, Passion Becomes You, The Ranieri Bride, A Sicilian Seduction, Marchese's Forgotten Bride, The Unforgettable Husband, Bridal Bargains, Hot-Blooded Husbands Bundle, Mia’s Scandal, The Italian's Future Bride, The Ultimate Betrayal, Lost in Love, The Marriage Surrender, The Man Who Risked It All, The Italian's Revenge, which was published in 2022.